
wu.fan-pin.com     2024-05-19
1. If you could start your career again, what would you do differently? (如果你可以重新选择职业,你会选择哪种不同的职业?)
If I have to make the choice, I would choose the same career I have chosen before. I think one should look forward rather than waste his time in looking back and being regretful. (翻译:如果非要我作出选择的话,我会选择同样的职业,我认为与其回想过去而感到后悔,还不如多多展望未来。) (虽然没有正面回答问题,但这样的回答可以给考官一个坚定自信的形象)
2. What career options do you have at the moment?(你现在可以选择哪些职业?)
3. How would you describe the essence of success? According to your definition of success, how successful have you been so far? (你认为成功的本质是什么?根据你对成功的定义,说说你现在有多成功?)
When you attain a desired goal, you are successful——this is where the essence of success lies. According to my definition of success, I think I am a successor on the whole, for I have achieved most of the goals I’ve ever set. But I’m not perfectly successful, because I haven’t got this job! (翻译:当你达到预定目标的时候,你就是成功的,这就是成功的本质所在。根据我对成功的定义,我认为我总体上来说是成功的。但我并不十分成功,因为我还没得到这份工作!)(这样回答比较机灵)


书店有卖专门的这种求职应试的书 买来看看好了

1.I would be a scientist.
2.I have an option to do something for myself.
3.Success means that my duty was finished.I always do my best to be successful.

i can't

1.I would be a scientist.
2.I have an option to do something for myself.
3.Success means that my duty was finished.I always do my best to be successful.

1. If you could start your career again, what would you do differently? answer: I would be a scientist.
2. What career options do you have at the moment? answer: I have an option to do something for myself.
3. How would you describe the essence of success? According to your definition of success, how successful have you been so far? answer:Success means that my duty was finished.I always do my best to be successful.

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山舒>>> 请帮帮我用英语回答以下面试的问题...非常非常感谢
15933537244------ : 这个怎么答嘛,得看你个人情况吧.第一句意思是你能在压力下工作吗?你当然得回答能啊.我给你三个参考回答: 1.Yes, of course. I like challenges, and most times, challenge means pressure. I think pressure can generate my potential, and pressure will be good for me as long as there is no mission impossible.