麻烦各路翻译高手、帮帮忙。 帮我把这几句话翻译成英文、谢谢!

wu.fan-pin.com     2024-07-03
-> I didn't think I love him so much.
(我以为,我不爱他,在英语中,宾语从句的否定要放在主句中表示,不能说 I thought I didn't love him)

-> However, why, I was so caring about his idea of me.

-> I am afraid of his anger and sulkiness.

-> I can't be myself for always in face of him.

I thought I did not love him so much. But how come I care about his opinion on me so much. I am always afraid that he is angry or unhappy.I just can't be myself in front of him.

I don't think I'm really in love with him. However, why do I care so much about his opinion of me? I don't want to see him angry or unhappy. When I'm with him, I'm unable to behave like my usual self.





Why it always haunts my soul that the way he thinks of me and my dread of annoying him while I once believed that I don't love him so much?

It is hard to be myself when facing him.

i thought, i don't love him that much, but why still care so much about how he think of me, why afaid of annoying him?
i can't be myself when with him.

i don't think i'm falling in love with him ,but why ,i'm always care about his ideas of me,i'm afraid of he's angry and unhanppy ,I can't be myself in front of him

宣冰>>> 麻烦各位高手帮忙翻译下面的句子,...
15875398278------ : 12 years old to work, first on the farm, and later working in factories Although busy day, but as long as free to practice singing

宣冰>>> 麻烦各位高手帮忙翻译一下 -
15875398278------ : 新しい1年は到来して、私は自分を引き続き充実させて、自分の仕事の能力を强化して、自分の専门の知识を増加します.だから、新しい1年中で、私は努力して以下の目标を完成します: 1.努力は日本语の2级の试験を通じて(通って). 2.努力は大学の学歴を通じて(通って)试験します. 3.日本语の闻くこと、を锻えることを强化して能力を言います. 4.自分のまじめさ、责任感がある仕事の态度を维持します

宣冰>>> 麻烦各位高手帮忙翻译 -
15875398278------ : 1、总经办 General Manager Office 2、开发部 Development Department (Dep.) 3、行政人事部 Administration (Admin.) and HR Dep.4、预决算部 Budget and Account Settlement Dep. 5、财务部 Finance Dep.6、会客室 Conference Room (Conf. Rm.) (Reception Room, Parlor)

宣冰>>> 急求各路英文高手帮忙把下文翻译成英文 十万火急!!!感激不尽!! -
15875398278------ : I don't know how to tell you,I miss you so much after I called you that night,you must scold me when you know this,but I really love you,the examination is coming,I have a strong willing to study after listening to your voice in the phone,I really hope you ...

宣冰>>> 麻烦哪位翻译或外贸高手帮忙翻译个句子 -
15875398278------ : Indonesian love Nina holding international group, Mr. David dimension fine line

宣冰>>> 在线等翻译!急!请各路高手帮忙,请不要用软件翻译! -
15875398278------ : Practical experience in schools: 1. Preparations for the successful organization and has held a first session of the General Assembly on behalf of Department of Foreign Languages members. 1. Preparatory work: to prepare each of the leadership of...

宣冰>>> 希望各路翻译高手帮忙翻译一下,谢谢!Museumshavecha
15875398278------ : 博物馆的功能发生了变化.它们不再是少数权贵的专有场所,也不仅仅是度假者在雨天打发无聊时光的地方.我们可以用互动和亲和这样的词语来形容如今的博物馆.在加拿大安大略省的一个科学博物馆中,当安全的电流穿过你的身体时,你能感觉到头发直直竖起.而在纽约的大都会艺术博物馆,你可以在参观十七世纪乐器的同时,欣赏它们演奏出来的美妙音乐.在瑞典的当代博物馆,你还可以穿上斯德哥尔摩剧院提供的演出服装.这些例子说明,博物馆正在迎接更加广泛的观众,尤其是年轻人、穷人和低教育的人群.因此,博物馆的访问量也与日俱增. (你也太省了,好歹也给点积分吧,开个玩笑,呵呵)

宣冰>>> 麻烦英语高手帮忙翻译一下,急求先谢谢啦!!! -
15875398278------ : 1 if there is no miracle, go create one.2 make what you holding into what you want, and make what you want your possession.3 safety is lucky, contentment is blessing, a clear mind is salary, desire less is longevity.4 there is nothing i want that i cannot get.5 may happiness and healthiness be our company for ever.

宣冰>>> 希望各路翻译高手帮忙翻译一下谢谢Museumshavechan
15875398278------ : 第二句:那些供少数特权人士和无聊的游人在雨天参观的地方消失了. 第三句:现在,民主运动就是描述博物馆的语言.