帮我翻译一下,谢谢 ①我买了那辆自行车。 ②我去年买了那辆自行车。 ③我买那辆自行车一年了。

wu.fan-pin.com     2024-05-19
  1. I have bought the bike.

  2. I bought the bike last year.

  3. I have had the bike for a year.  / I have had the bike since a year ago.  It is a year since I bought the bike. It has been a year since I bought the bike.

I bought the bike.
I bought the bike last year.
I have bought the bike for a year.

赏疮>>> 帮我翻译一下,谢谢 ①我买了那辆自行车. ②我去年买了那辆自行车. ③我买那辆自行车一年了. -
18291364935------ : I bought that bike Last year I bought that bike I have bought that bike for a year A year has passed since i bought that bike

赏疮>>> 我买了一支国外的用品,全是英文,不知道怎么办?请帮我翻译一下后面的说明,谢谢咯. -
18291364935------ : 使用夜晚和早晨. 弄湿脸和手. 在抑制的手之上紧握少量脸的洗而且涂肥皂泡得好. 逐渐地在脸和 neke 之上按摩.用水冲洗 thoroughtly . 帕特脸以一条软的手巾弄干.

赏疮>>> 帮我来翻译英语 谢谢了!!!
18291364935------ : He has been away from home 2 years ago. You can borrowed this book for 2 days at most. We have joined this club 5 years ago/ I bought this book yesterday, I have bought one day ago.

赏疮>>> 我买了一款epson的打印机,型号c90,帮我翻译一下打印纸菜单里的几个单词,谢谢 -
18291364935------ : 所列出的纸质选择词汇翻译如下:plain papers (普通纸) epson matte (Epson粗面纸) epson ultra glossy (Epson超级蜡光纸) epson premium glossy (Epson高质量蜡光纸) epson premium semigloss (Epson高质量亚光纸) epson glossy (Epson蜡光...

赏疮>>> 帮我翻译一下英语.谢谢 -
18291364935------ : A:我是来道别的. B:你什么时候启程? A:我周日下午乘飞机回家. B:那么再见吧!后会有期! A:请别忘了代我向你的家人道别.A:对不起,我没听清你刚才说什么. B:我刚才说:“你需要帮忙么?” A:如果你不忙的话我希望你帮点小忙. B:需要我帮你叫车么?A:好久不见了,你过得很好吧! B:是啊,过去的几个月我在加利福尼亚. A:不错啊!具体去了哪儿呢? B:圣地亚哥.我昨天回来的.A:我想我该走了. B:这么快?为什么不再多呆会儿呢? A:我也想,但现在已经很晚了. B:哦,你得走了真是太遗憾了. A:感谢您的盛宴! B:很高兴你能喜欢!

赏疮>>> 帮我翻译一下这几句话……??谢谢(汉译英) -
18291364935------ : 1.The students are scattering in the classroom and discussing questions, when in comes their teacher.绝对正确,这里后半句是倒装句. 2.I bought this house last year, and the arrearage hasn't been payed off. 3.My frend nodded to me and thought...

赏疮>>> 请问学日语的,我最近刚买了个包,包上都是日文,请帮我翻译一下,谢谢咯~~ -
18291364935------ : 意思是 从憧憬的艺人orange range,カエル,DJOZMA(的确都是JPOP艺人或组合)的寻宝问答,到vivienne,安娜苏,HYSTERIC GLAMOUR(都是大牌)的商品 从CUTiE来的 圣诞节 礼物!CUTiE是一家女性潮流刊物.估计这个包是刊物赠品之类的,或者是商业宣传.

赏疮>>> 帮我翻译成中文,谢谢! -
18291364935------ : Onlyatouch,and nothing more;Ah!but never so touched before!Touch of lip,was it?Touch of hand?Earth may be smitten with fore or frost.Never the touch of true love lost.只是一次轻触,没别的什么.可是,可是从来没有那么感动过.是唇的轻触,对吧?又或是手的轻触?那一刻,纵使天地绝,那与真爱的碰触亦永不消失!(注:部分为意译) (另注:这段英文写的真好!)

赏疮>>> 帮我翻译下,并解答下这是购买了什么?付款人姓名?付款成功了没有?谢谢了? -
18291364935------ : 此页面只是一个电子支付申请的水单,状态是已提交申请、等待转账中,账号则是临时账号、体现不出付款方的信息.购买的物品或服务类型也并未提现出来.

赏疮>>> 我买了个表,都是英文的,谁能帮我翻一下~~谢谢 -
18291364935------ : 12小时subdial顶推Mintue subdial 9:00皇冠内部旋转面板带或手镯秒计时器3:00皇冠底推 皮带或手镯电力储备/报警指示第二时区的手(薄箭)日subdial热门pussher秒针subdial皇冠报警底推手(大箭)