找个英语高手帮我翻译下 下面一段话,谢谢哦

wu.fan-pin.com     2024-07-03
With the development of society, people thought liberation, divorce has become a man and woman free choice. But, with the rising divorce rate, comes a new social phenomenon: single-parent families in increasing the number of single children, rapid rise. This makes the single parent families and education training institutions are facing a new topic - how to education single children, make them grow up healthily. Studies show that single children in ideology, study, character and even health has not, to a certain extent, intact families children, has some particularity. In recent years, the number of single-parent students in their great growth trend of children, single parent families in learning, virtue, various aspects is filled with outstanding person, but also there are quite a number of children from single-parent families performance in school is relatively backward, become the difficulty of school work, completes the single children for further education management work, I engaged in basic education in many years with the management process, through the discussion, the family visit, reading student diary, observe the student work in a variety of ways, such as the number of single children, the causes, psychological characteristics and the existing problems in the management of education made extensive and in-depth investigation, single children education and countermeasures for a more in-depth study.

Thank you adopt

With the development of society, people's senses are liberated. Divorce has become a free choice with man and woman. But, with the rising divorce rate, a new social phenomenon occured: the single-parent families are increasing, the number of single children has rapidly rose.
The education training institutions and those single famlies are faced by a new topic - how to education single-parented children, and make sure they develop in a healthy way.
Studies show that to some extent single-parented children are quite different from those complete family's children in ideology, study, character and even health.
In recent years, the number of single-parented students grew largely. Many outstanding student coming from single parented families performing well academically and morally, but also there are quite a number of children from single-parented families performanced poorly in school. They became the difficulty of school work.
I engaged in basic education in many years with the management work. For further improvement of educational management to the single-parented children, I used methods such as forums, family visits, reading student diaries, and observation etc, to investigate the single parented child and studied the numbers, causes of problems, psychological characteristics and the existing problems in the management of education. An in-depth discussion is conducted on single parented children education and measures.

With the development of society, people thought liberation, divorce has become a man and woman free choice. But, with the rising divorce rate, comes a new social phenomenon: single-parent families in increasing the number of single children, rapid rise. This makes the single parent families and education training institutions are facing a new topic - how to education single children, make them grow up healthily. Studies show that single children in ideology, study, character and even health has not, to a certain extent, intact families children, has some particularity. In recent years, the number of single-parent students in their great growth trend of children, single parent families in learning, virtue, various aspects is filled with outstanding person, but also there are quite a number of children from single-parent families performance in school is relatively backward, become the difficulty of school work, completes the single children for further education management work, I engaged in basic education in many years with the management process, through the discussion, the family visit, reading student diary, observe the student work in a variety of ways, such as the number of single children, the causes, psychological characteristics and the existing problems in the management of education made

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