
wu.fan-pin.com     2024-07-03
On the blog network in the teaching of

Institute of Educational Science

Abstract: In recent years, both in the Internet and in some newspapers, magazines and even in the day-to-day work life and learning are often encountered in the "Blog", "blog" and "Education Blog", and other similar terms. "Blog" sweeping the Internet world, Internet users has favored by Xingxiangdebiyu "information age Magellan," "non-stop journey online income," the personal network era, "Reader's Digest" to a hyperlink as a weapon of "cyberspace Diary. " Blog represents a new way of life, study and work exchange, which is being E_mail, BBS, ICQ after the fourth network communication tool, "the Internet fourth milestone." Just what is "Blog", in education and teaching on what function, whether it can replace traditional teaching and become teachers teaching and students learning is the main mode? We have to blog how to properly deal with this emerging form of education? This is the main content of this paper.
Key words: network; blog; education blog teaching

Abstract: In recent years, both in the Internet and in some newspapers, magazines and even in the day-to-day work life and learning are often encountered in the "Blog", "blog" and "Education Blog", and other similar terms. "Blog" sweeping the Internet world, Internet users has favored by Xingxiangdebiyu "information age Magellan," "non-stop journey online income," the personal network era, "Reader's Digest" to a hyperlink as a weapon of "cyberspace Diary. " Blog represents a new way of life, study and work exchange, which is being E_mail, BBS, ICQ after the fourth network communication tool, "the Internet fourth milestone." Just what is "Blog", in education and teaching on what function, whether it can replace traditional teaching and become teachers teaching and students learning is the main mode? We have to blog how to properly deal with this emerging form of education? This is the main content of this paper.
Key words: network; blog; education blog teaching

Institute of Educational Science

Abstract: In recent years, both in the Internet and in some newspapers, magazines and even in the day-to-day work life and learning are often encountered in the "Blog", "blog" and "Education Blog", and other similar terms. "Blog" sweeping the Internet world, Internet users has favored by Xingxiangdebiyu "information age Magellan," "non-stop journey online income," the personal network era, "Reader's Digest" to a hyperlink as a weapon of "cyberspace Diary. " Blog represents a new way of life, study and work exchange, which is being E_mail, BBS, ICQ after the fourth network communication tool, "the Internet fourth milestone." Just what is "Blog", in education and teaching on what function, whether it can replace traditional teaching and become teachers teaching and students learning is the main mode? We have to blog how to properly deal with this emerging form of education? This is the main content of this paper.
Key words: network; blog; education blog teaching

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