
wu.fan-pin.com     2024-07-03
1 抵用券
2 吸管
3 调料
4 听装可乐(主要突出“听装”二字)
canned coke
5 续杯
6 点心勺---dessert spoon (中匙;点心匙)
中柄勺-----middle handle spoon
长柄勺-----long handle spoon
叉-------- fork

Do you need invoice?(请问您需要发票吗?)
what the name of invoice to?(发票的单位写哪里?)

2 可乐是可以无限续杯的,你要是喝完了,我们服务人员会自动给你满上。这个是不要钱的,只要您花一杯的钱。
Our coke is unlimited refilling, as soon as you finish yours we'll refill for you, it all you can drink here.

单词分别是:certificate,straw,fixing,tinned drink,refill,dessert spoon,middle handle spoon,ladle,spoon,knife,fork 句子分别是: I would like to ask Mr require an invoice. Coke can be continued indefintely Cup.If you are finished ,our service staff will give you full up automatically.This is free,just spend your money in a cup。

1. coupons
3.seasoning , sauce or ingredient
4,can of coke
6spoons, kives, forks

1would you like your receipt, sir?
2 You can refill your coke for free. Just let me know.

coupon; straw; spice (seasoning); canned cola; refill; dessert spoon, 没有中柄和长柄勺之分,如果一定要,那就是long shaft spoon, medium shaft spoon. (前面说的handle都不准确,handle是把子,而不是柄, 比如羽毛球拍,shaft指球拍的柄,handle指握手的部位)
soup spoon, knives, forks,

Excuse sir, would you like to have a receipt. (invoice指的是商业发表,表明送货日期,数量,价格等。餐馆里面都是receipt. 如果你的餐馆在中国,直接向老外说“发票”fa piao就好了,国外餐馆里没有中国发票这个概念。)

Cola (Soda, Pop) is all you can drink. Once you've finished, our waiters will help you refill. The refill is free of charge. You only need to pay for the first drink.

1 is usable ticket 2 sucker 3 seasoning 4 to be canned may be happy 5 continue the cup 6 dessert bucket, handle bucket, long handle bucket, soup ladle knife fork

Ask that gentleman needs the receipt? 2 may happy be may infinite continue the cup, if you have drunk up, our service personnels will give you fully automatically on. This does not ask for money, so long as you spend one cup of money.

1 voucher
2 straw sauce
3 added
4 cans cola
5 Cup
6 dessert spoon, spoon in the handle, dipper, tablespoon, knife, fork

Mr. Will one required an invoice?

2 Coca Cola Cup is continued indefinitely, and if you finish, and our service staff will give you full up automatically. This is not to money, as long as your money in a cup of flower.

敖爸>>> 英语高手请进,帮我翻译一下,谢谢! -
14743331523------ : 标准翻译,请放心使用! 1 抵用券 Cash coupon 2 吸管 Drinking Straws 3 调料 Condiments 4 听装可乐(主要突出“听装”二字) Coke in cans 5 续杯 Drinks refill 6 点心勺,中柄勺,长柄勺,汤勺,刀,叉 Dessert spoon, medium-handled ...

敖爸>>> 英语高手请进请帮我翻译一下这句话:柔软的心,坚定的爱. -
14743331523------ :[答案] the soft heart,the strong love

敖爸>>> 英语高手请进 翻译下 -
14743331523------ : 1:冰淇淋2: large, many 3: to eat ice cream 4: Health Food 5; to picnic 6: a group of friends 7: Make a list of 8: She does not like ice cream 9: you and a group of friends went to a picnic 10: to buy food Make a list of

敖爸>>> 英语高手请进.帮我翻译一句话! -
14743331523------ : 你问的应该是这句:"The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one." 这是《麦田里的守望者》里的一句,是原文.直译是一个不成熟的男人的标志是愿意为某个事业英勇的死去;一个成熟的男人的标志是愿意为某个事业卑微的活着.

敖爸>>> 急!急!英语高手请进帮我翻译一下. -
14743331523------ : hello ,my teacher,new term and new air ,we will try our best in the whole year of our Grade 9, although you are the new teacher of our class, we believe we will prove ourselves with our excellent grades,never let you down, we hope you happy in your ...

敖爸>>> 英语翻译高手请进!翻译句子!(急!!我在线等!!) -
14743331523------ : 1、If time permits, we will go swimming. 2、She likes eating sweets before sleep so much, that she is putting on weight 3、Mr. Lu xun make a contribution to Chinese modern literature . 4、The chemical factory lies in the suburb of the city. 5、...

敖爸>>> 英语高手请进翻译下
14743331523------ : 1,they are policewomen 2,our school has many women teacher 3,these are some factories for pape-making.

敖爸>>> 英语高手请进,帮忙翻译下 -
14743331523------ : You don't mind 【my/others'最好加上这个】calling you Xiao Li, do you?你不会介意【我/别人】叫你小李/小丽,对吧?祝你开心如意!

敖爸>>> 英语高手请进 帮我翻译个句子
14743331523------ : Perhaps time is a kind of antidote, is also I now is take of poison

敖爸>>> 英语高手请进,帮我翻译两首诗
14743331523------ : 1. The river of memory.Do you remember your shyness when I held your handsDo ...you the most passionate flame of wish.我学过专业翻译,保证满意.敬请采纳^_^....