
wu.fan-pin.com     2024-07-03
1, as 50T crane super up experiment device project director, the structure design and follow up the production, assembly, test all affairs;
2 and served as the first domestic Taiwan kiloton crane arm can dump device and ultra up to pull the plate program manager, carries on the structure design and production management. And PATRAN finite element analysis to do.

2, 1. Using UG design excavator structure, formulate BOM list, maintain product data management (PDM) data. Negotiate with r&d department and production of various problems; between
2, give new types of excavator do exercise analysis and fem analysis;
Complete projects:
1) November 2007 to July 2008 completed with the RX215C9 RX215C9H, ARM, BUCKET has design; etc.
2) June 2008 until January 2009, complete grasp steel machine R455LC - 7MH, ARM in ARM has, PIPING, such as design,
3) December 2008 until January 2009, the use of RX215C9 exercise NASTRAN NX analysis and fem analysis.

Three, sincere, optimistic positive, Works is responsible earnestly, down-to-earth, can bear hardships and stand hard work, to bear large work pressure, With strong learning ability and the team cooperation spirit.
After three years of design work, with solid foundation in mechanical design, production and management knowledge. Can skilled use UG, PROE for 2D / 3D design, and mastered PATRAN finite element analysis software NASTRAN and NX.

as 50T crane super up experiment device project director, the structure design and follow up the production, assembly, test all affairs;
2 and served as the first domestic Taiwan kiloton crane arm can dump device and ultra up to pull the plate program manager, carries on the structure design and production management. And PATRAN finite element analysis to do.

2, 1. Using UG design excavator structure, formulate BOM list, maintain product data management (PDM) data. Negotiate with r&d department and production of various problems; between
2, give new types of excavator do exercise analysis and fem analysis;
Complete projects:
1) November 2007 to July 2008 completed with the RX215C9 RX215C9H, ARM, BUCKET has design; etc.
2) June 2008 until January 2009, complete grasp steel machine R455LC - 7MH, ARM in ARM has, PIPING, such as design,
3) December 2008 until January 2009, the use of RX215C9 exercise NASTRAN NX analysis
Three, sincere, optimistic positive, Works is responsible earnestly, down-to-earth, can bear hardships and stand hard work, to bear large work pressure, With strong learning ability and the team cooperation spirit.
After three years of design work, with solid foundation in mechanical design, production and management knowledge. Can skilled use UG, PROE for 2D / 3D design, and mastered PATRAN finite element analysis software NASTRAN and NX.

A, 1, as 50T crane super up experiment device project director, the structure design and follow up the production, assembly, test all affairs;

2 and served as the first domestic Taiwan kiloton crane arm can dump device and ultra up to pull the plate program manager, carries on the structure design and production management. And PATRAN finite element analysis to do.

2, 1. Using UG design excavator structure, formulate BOM list, maintain product data management (PDM) data. Negotiate with r&d department and production of various problems; between

2, give new types of excavator do exercise analysis and fem analysis;

Complete projects:

1) November 2007 to July 2008 completed with the RX215C9 RX215C9H, ARM, BUCKET has design; etc.

2) June 2008 until January 2009, complete grasp steel machine R455LC - 7MH, ARM in ARM has, PIPING, such as design,

3) December 2008 until January 2009, the use of RX215C9 exercise NASTRAN NX analysis and fem analysis.

Three, sincere, optimistic positive, Works is responsible earnestly, down-to-earth, can bear hardships and stand hard work, to bear large work pressure, With strong learning ability and the team cooperation spirit.

After three years of design work, with solid foundation in mechanical design, production and management knowledge. Can skilled use UG, PROE for 2D / 3D design, and mastered PATRAN finite element analysis software NASTRAN and NX.


A, one and a crane ahead up the experiment 50t unit project of the project director and structural design and track the follow-up to the assembly, all matters; 2, as the first one thousand tons of arms of cranes much from the device to pass up the boards of the project director and to design and management. both patran be finite element analysis. secondly, use 1. the design structures, build ug excavator, bom pdm data maintenance. consultation with the development of technical and 生产部 between the various


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18087781672------ : 1 him to a joint venture is a workaholic often working late into the night! 2 Nancy's final decision is to give her mother a pair of gloves as a birthday gift 3 to accept the new position meant to assume greater responsibility for 4 you have heard of this ...

衡送>>> 麻烦英语高手帮忙翻译一下,急求先谢谢啦!!! -
18087781672------ : 1 if there is no miracle, go create one.2 make what you holding into what you want, and make what you want your possession.3 safety is lucky, contentment is blessing, a clear mind is salary, desire less is longevity.4 there is nothing i want that i cannot get.5 may happiness and healthiness be our company for ever.

衡送>>> 急求哪位英语高手帮我翻译下!!(单词简单点) -
18087781672------ : hello, everyone! I am a 16 year old boy. I come from Chongqing. It is a beautiful city. I am good at basketball and football. As I like the blue sky since I...

衡送>>> 英语翻译英语高手来下.麻烦帮我翻译下,①你走哪边啊?我走这边去我亲戚家一趟,你先走吧.②我现在过来,你就在那里等我吧. -
18087781672------ :[答案] ①你走哪边啊? Where are you going? 我走这边去我亲戚家一趟,你先走吧. I am going to my relative's,after you. ②我现在过来,你就在那里等我吧. I'm coming,just wait for me there

衡送>>> 麻烦各位高手帮我翻译成英语: -
18087781672------ : Bright optimism of my personality, work elaboration careful, I outward the Mao profession be very interested in.I grow up in Xinjiang since the childhood, the surroundings have a lot of do outside Mao of, cooperation colleague general is Russia and...

衡送>>> 英语翻译麻烦各位英语高手帮我翻译下以下语句:“今天才知道你有另一个她.今天才知道原来另一个她也不错.今天才知道我原来在白等了一个月.今天才知道... -
18087781672------ :[答案] I have never known you have another girl.The one who is pretty nice.Maybe I'm a idiot that waste a whole mounth for waiting~Maybe I even have no brain!Now I understand that everyone has his own sweeti...

衡送>>> 那位英语高手能帮我把中文译成英文这是一段A和B的对话,麻烦谁能帮我把它翻译成英文,感激不尽,绝对不要翻译器的,语法一定要正确,句意不非得一... -
18087781672------ :[答案] A:I did not expect to see you here ,how`s your work going ? B: thank you ,it`s fine ,and how about you ? A:I got some trouble ... B:better ,sorry anyway.does not give you birthday wishes at the first time. A: No worries , forget it . 我翻译的比较口语化.不过我...

衡送>>> 麻烦哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下,谢谢 -
18087781672------ : 为那些交谈,很是精采,很是博学,和那么有意识的.不知道,似乎我,沉默在背景中,显露出真理甚至大学毕业生都不知道的任何什么东西,真的.他们有证据,所有圣人所有的证实历史世界的一切,但是决定.没有.不必须我自己出去大学外,并且,它看起来,好象我必须很快去.我的头,在繁忙和问题面前,充满了是痛楚的空隙如同饥饿的洞,象痛苦,作为一个空的肚子.并且我的问题的. 我好象我不仅饥饿 我为某些食物饿,我的求知欲不再隐晦

衡送>>> 哪位英语高手用英语帮我翻译下面的文字,今晚急用翻译的诚恳些. -
18087781672------ : The level of China's macro tax burden in the theoretical community has different opinions, the tax burden from the comparability of indicators and financial expenditure and tax revenue to start the matching, measure the diameter under the influence ...

衡送>>> 中文翻译英语麻烦英语高手帮我翻译下这句话,我一定会努力成为你的英雄!谢谢! -
18087781672------ :[答案] I will try my best to be your hero!