
wu.fan-pin.com     2024-07-03
I am of 12 years old this year and I live with parents in one small town of Wuxi city and I also like playing the piano and listening to music .I would like to go for playing pingpang ball in my spare time and I have five days' lessons in one week and each class lasts about forty minutes

Living with my parents in a small town that is located in Wuxi city , I am a 12-years-old boy/girl who is fond of playing the piano and listening to music .I will go to play pingpang ball in my spare time. There are totally five-day lesson in one week . The time for each class is around 40 minutes .

My favourite festival is spring festival where I can go to set off the firecracks with my friends . sometimes we will have a snowman fight with one another if it snows , I find it is the warmest and most franrant and most beautiful and busiest time of one year
What is your favourite season ? what is your favourite animal ?

I am 12 years old this year, a small town and the parents live in Wuxi, like to play piano and listen to music, to play table tennis in his spare time, go to school five days a week, a lesson about 40 minutes.
I most like holiday is the Spring Festival, and friends can be together set off firecrackers, sometimes it snows, it has a snowball fight or make a snowman. I think it is one of the most warm, beautiful, lively time!
Which season do you like best? What is your favourite animal?


I this year 12 years old, lived with my parents in a small town in wuxi, h obby is playing the piano and listeni ng to music, leisure when they go to play table tennis, classes five days a week, a lesson about 40 minutes My favorite holiday is Spring Festival, can and friends together to set off f irecrackers, sometimes it snows, the snowball fights and make a snowman. I think it is the most sweet, beautiful , lively in a year's time! Which seas on do you like best? What is your fav orite animal?



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