
wu.fan-pin.com     2024-07-03


She had said what it was necessary to say.


It is not who rules us that is important , but how he rules us.


He was all gentleness to her.


A crime is a crime a crime.

5、"something(much)of"和"nothing(little)of" "something of"相当于"to some extent",表示程度。在疑问句或条件从句中,则为"anything of ",可译为"有点","略微等。""译为毫无","全无"。"much of"译为"大有","not much of"可译为"算不上","称不上","little of"可译为"几乎无"。something like译为"有点像,略似。"

They say that he had no universty education , but he seems to be something of a scholar.

6、同格名词修饰是指of前后的两个名词都指同一个人或物,"of"以及它前面的名词构一个形容词短语,以修饰"of"后面的那个名词。如"her old sharper of a father",可译为:"她那骗子般的父亲"。

Those pigs of girls eat so much.


It is as plain as plain can be.

8、"It is in(with)…as in(with)"

It is in life as in a journey.

9、"as good as…"相等于,就像,几乎如;实际上,其实,实在。

The merchant as good as promised the orphan boy, that he would adopt him.

10、"many as well…as"和"might as well …as" "many as well…as"可译为"与其……,不如……,更好","以这样做……为宜","如同……,也可以……"等等。"might as well…as"表示不可能的事,可译为"犹如……","可与……一样荒唐","与其那样不如这样的好"等等。

One may as well not know a thing at all as know it imperfectly.

11、"to make…of"的译法(使……成为……,把……当作)

I will make a scientist of my son.


She is too angry to speak.

13、only(not, all, but, never) too …to do so "和"too ready (apt) + to do"结构中,不定式,凡是"not","all""but等字后+"too…to,"不定式都失去了否定意义,在"too ready(apt) +to do"结构中,不定式。

You know but too yell to hold your tongue.

14、"no more …than…"句型

A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man.

15、"not so much…as"和"not so much as …"结构,"not so much…as"="not so much as …",其中as有进可换用but rather,可译为:"与其说是……毋须说是……"。而"not so much as"="without(not)even,"可译为"甚至……还没有"。

The oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it .

16、"Nothing is more…than"和"Nothing is so …as"结构,"Nothing is more…than"和"Nothing is so …as"都具有最高级比较的意思,"Nothing I"可换用"no","nobody","nowhere","little","few","hardly","scarcely"等等,可译为"没有……比……更为","像……再没有了","最……"等。

Nothing is more precious than time.

17、"cannot…too…"结构,"cannot…too…"意为"It is impossible to overdo…"或者,即"无论怎样……也不算过分"。"not"可换用"hardly","scarcely"等,"too"可换用"enough","sufficient"等

You cannot be too careful.

18、"否定+but "结构,在否定词后面的"but",具有"which not","who not","that not",等等否定意义,构成前后的双重否定。可译成"没有……不是"或"……都……"等

Nothing is so bad but it might have been worse.


Nobody knows what he can do till he has tried.

20、"not so…but"和"not such a…but"结构,这两个结构和"否定+but"的结构差不多,不同之点是这两个结构中的"but"是含有"that…not"意味的连续词,表示程度。可译为"还没有……到不能做……的程度","并不是……不……","无论怎样……也不是不能……"等。

He is not so sick but he can come to school.


Who should write it but himself?

22、"who knows but (that)…"和"who could should…but"结构,这个结构是反问形式,一般意译为"多半","亦未可知"等等,有时也可直译。

Who knows but (that) he may go?


Add love to a house and you have a home. Aad righteousness to a city and you have a community. Aad truth to a pile of red brick and you have a school.


A word, and he would lose his temper.


A word, and he would lose his temper.

26.It is not that…but that…这不是说…,而是说…

27.nothing else than 完全是,实在是

「例文」What the man said was nothing else than nonsense.



「例文」The complexity of the human situation and injustice of the social order demand far more fundamental changes in the basic structure of society itself than some politicians are willing to admit in their speeches.







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