
wu.fan-pin.com     2024-07-03
为了你 For you (because of you),
我从北京回来了 I came back from Beijing,
否定了所有关心我的人 rejecting all the concerns and suggestions from people who care about me.
因为你不想去那,而且那城市也没有你 It was all because you don't want to go there and you will not be there anyway. (而且那城市也没有你-- 这句话和前一句矛盾,不过我还是翻译了,你看着办)

要选择大学了,你会在哪 "It's the high time of selecting a university (college). Where (Which one) could you go?"
我很无力地想着 I was wondering helplessly.

之前是我不对,我道过歉了 It was my fault, and I said sorry to you.
我没倔强 I was not stubborn.
我放下了自尊,第一次这样求别人 I put down my dignity and for the first time I pleaded like that.
让我自己都感觉自己像是死皮赖脸 It made me feel I was like a shameless guy,
对着你缠着不放sticking on you like a limpet. (stick like a limpet 固定用法:纠缠,缠着)

你昨晚的话,的态度 很伤 Your words and the way you said them last night hurt me so much that
我已经接近绝望了I was almost desperated.

昨晚又喝醉了 I got drunk again last night
我根本不想去思考任何事情了 and didn't want to think about anything at all.
如果你想分手 If you want to dump me (if you want to say goodbye),
别说分手,就说你想走了 don't say it. Just say you want to go (leave).

To you
I returned from Beijing
Denial of all the people I care about
Because you do not want to it, but the city did not you

To select a university, where you will
I am unable to think of

Before I was wrong, I apologized the Road
I did not stubborn
I put aside the self-esteem, the first such for others
I have to feel like Sipilailian
Tightly around in front of you

You last night, it is the attitude of injury
I have close to the despair

Also drunk last night
I do not want to think of anything
If you want to breaking up
Do not say breaking up, you say, the want Walk.


I came back from Beijing for you.
I refused to all the people who cares me, for you are not there.

Where will you be?
It’s time to select a university to go.
I am thinking palely.

My fault for the past, I have apologized.
I’m not stubborn.
It’s my first time begging someone, wearing self-respectless.
Clinging to you makes me feel that I’m such a characterless one.

Your words last night and attitude hurts me.
I’m wandering despair close.

I was junk last night and didn’t want to think anything.
If you want to finish, please donn’t say you want to finish, just say you want to leave.

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17826105495------ : 【尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家早上好!】 Dear teacher, my dear fellow students, good morning everyone! 【日历翻去了它的最后一页,时光的车轮又留下了一道深深的印痕,蓦然回首我们所走过的365级台阶,那些夹杂着我们美好记忆的...

胥固>>> 请帮我把这段中文译成英文但我永远不会忘记,我的生命中,曾出现过一个你这样的女孩. -
17826105495------ :[答案] But I will never forget,there is a girl like you coming to me during my life.

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17826105495------ :[答案] My favorite shoes was that mom and dad gave to me as this birthday gift, On the morning of that birthday,When I just got up, ...field team of our school and would take part in the practise of sprint. 想偷懒.只是把楼上的给修改了下.因为英语作文评分是扣分...

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17826105495------ : Chongxin County, Gansu Province, Huanghua Township, Village of King Lane

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