
wu.fan-pin.com     2024-07-03
1. To be honest(说实在的,老实说), I'm not strong in English(我的英文很差)

2. I have poor listening skills(我的听力水平很差), even incapable of
understanding what you say(甚至不能理解您在说什么)

3. Because of condition-bound(由于受条件所限), I rarely practise listening and speaking, and therefore my ability of expression is totally poor.(我很少练习听力和口语, 所以我的表达能力很差),

注:condition 加 -bound(受约束的) 所以翻译后就是成条件所限

4. I'm a bit nervous(我有点紧张), may I think about it for a moment?(我可以思考一下吗?)

5. I haven't prepared for this subject yet,(我没有准备这个话题) I have no idea what to say.(不知道该怎么说)

6.When i was a child, I aspired to be a knowledgeble and worthy person,(当我还是个孩子的时候,我就立志做一个有知识,有价值的人) however, in youth due to my ignorant and dull and lack of efforts, at last i wasn't admitted to college, (但由于自己年轻时的懵懂无知和缺乏努力,我最终没能进入大学读书,) then just went to a vocational college,
it is my biggest regret in life, (只是读了一所高职院校,这是我一生最大的遗憾) however, the desire for knowledge
hasn't disappeared from the beginning to the end. (但对知识的渴望始终没有离去.)

4L的 I do not know该怎么说 这句话很经典的说啊

to be honest,my english level is not high.
my hearing is not good,even can not understand what you are talking.
3.由于受条件所限,我很少练习听力和口语, 所以我的表达能力很差
due to my language environment,i seldom practise hearing and spoken english,so i can't express myself clearly.
i am a bit nervous,can i think about it for a while?
i didn't prepare this topic,so i don't know how to say.
when i was a child,i set my goal to be a knowledgable and valuable person,but because of my unawareness of knowledge and lack of diligence,i didn't step into an university at last,only a professional school,this was my most regret,but the aspiration for knowledge never gone.

1.Frankly speaking, my English very bad
2. My poor hearing, or even can not understand what you said.
3. Because of conditions, I practice listening and speaking very little, so my poor ability to express
4. I am a bit nervous, I can think about it?
5. I am not prepared for this topic, I do not know how to speak.
6. When I was a child, I was determined to be a knowledgeable and valuable, but when he was young because of their ignorance and lack of silly, and I ultimately did not qualify for university, but have read a Higher institutions, this is the biggest regret of my life, but the desire for knowledge has never left.

1. Frankly, my English is very poor
2 my hearing level is very poor, can't even understand what you said.
3. Due to limited conditions, I seldom practice listening and spoken English, so my ability is poor
4 I'm a bit nervous, I may consider?
5. I didn't prepare this topic, don't know how to say it.
6. When I was a child, I was determined to become a man of value, knowledge when young, but because of his lack of ignorance and innocence, I failed to enter college, just read a vocational colleges, which is the biggest regret of my life, but the desire of knowledge has not left.

actually,my english is really poor.

my listening skill is very poor that i even dont know what are you saying.

because of limitation of the condition,i seldom practice my listening and speaking.so my ability of expression is bad.

i'm a little nervous.may i think it for a few more seconds?

i'v not prepared for this topic and i don't know how to say it .

when i was a child ,i aspired to be a acquainted and valued person.but because of the childish and lazy i was ,finally i failed to entrance the college and only went to a Vocational and Technology Institutes .this is my largest pity of my life .but my aspiration to the knowledge has never gone away.

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雷味>>> 求英语高手!!帮我翻译几个句子,谢谢~ -
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雷味>>> 请英语高手帮我翻译几个句子,我拿不准,急!
15346929862------ : 1.you did a good job,but the milk shake still bad. 2.You did worse action,but the milk shake is good. 3.the other one please? 4.let me try

雷味>>> 英语翻译请英语高手帮我翻译几句句子?1.这个老年人因为他的伟大著作而著名同时他也是一个著名的科学家.(befamousfor,befamousas)2.Tom认为他比他们... -
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雷味>>> 英语高手来帮我翻译几个句子
15346929862------ : You are a conscientious teacher and I hope you can continue to help me with my English.I hope we can become friends.