
wu.fan-pin.com     2024-07-03
It has become quite common in Shanghai for Chinese people marrying foreigners.

The invention of computer has affected the advancement of science greatly.

Although he is 18 years old, he seldom realizes the importance of communicating with others.


1,Chinese and foreigners married together in Shanghai had became very comman
2,The inventiong of the computer had greatly affected the improvement of the sience
3,Though he is already 18 years old,he seldom realize the importance to communicate with the others
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It becomes common in Shanghai that Chinese marry foreigners.

The invention of computers has affected the progress of science greatly.

Though he is 18, he hasn't realized the importance of communicating with others.

Chinese marriage to the foreigners have become very universal in Shanghai.

The invention of computers has affected the development of science and technology.

He didn't realized the significance of communicating with others even though he's eighteen years old

1.it becomes very popular that Chinese get married with foreigners in Shanghai.2.the invention of computer affect greatly on the development of science.
3.although he is 18,he seldom realize the importance of communicating with others.

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郭科>>> 请英语高手帮我英译汉几句话!1.When the story began ,it was early in the morning when a new day had just started2.The Yukon trail was a path leading to the ... -
13839769657------ :[答案] 1 故事发生在清晨 2 Yukon trail 是一条通向Chilcoot Pass的小路 3 我们从这篇文章中了解到故事中的男人对待任何事都有着实事求是的态度 英译汉首先要翻译出句子表达的意思,其次不需要逐字翻译,尽量用简明扼要的话

郭科>>> 英语翻译请英语高手帮我翻译几句句子?3.自从本世纪开始,太多的自然资源已被利用.(use)4.他是唯一今天早上迟到的那个学生.(theonly)5.就我们所... -
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郭科>>> 请英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子
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郭科>>> 请英语高手帮我翻译几句话,要优美的像祝福语 -
13839769657------ : 1.You were born before I could prepare for it, but this does not mean you were an accidental surprise.3. Your innocence and curiosity were so adorable. I gradually fell in love you.5. I believe you will inherit my wit and your father's personality, if you ...

郭科>>> 英语翻译请英语高手帮我翻译几句句子?1.这个老年人因为他的伟大著作而著名同时他也是一个著名的科学家.(befamousfor,befamousas)2.Tom认为他比他们... -
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郭科>>> 高手帮我翻译几句英语句子 -
13839769657------ : 1.斗牛最初是一个富人的在马背上的运动.

郭科>>> 请英语高手帮我英译汉几句话! -
13839769657------ : 1 故事发生在清晨 2 Yukon trail 是一条通向Chilcoot Pass的小路 3 我们从这篇文章中了解到故事中的男人对待任何事都有着实事求是的态度英译汉首先要翻译出句子表达的意思,其次不需要逐字翻译,尽量用简明扼要的话

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