
wu.fan-pin.com     2024-07-03
1. an orange
2.her family name
3.telephone number
4.my cousin's electronis game
5.a yellow back pack
6.his black pencil sharpener
7.brothers and sisters/siblings
8.two green watches
9.Kate's student's identity card
10.your parents
11.Bill have a lot of healthy food for breakfast.
12.Does your uncle like cauliflower?
13.There are six tennis racket.
14.How much is the sweater?
15.Let's guard the telephone bar.

1. An orange
2. Her surname
3. Telephone number
4. My cousin's computer game
5. A decadent knapsack
6. His black pencilknife
7. Brothers sister
8. Two greens wristwatches
9. Kate's student identity card
10. Your parents
11. The Bill breakfast eats many healthy foods 12. do Your uncle like eating the cauliflower? 13.there are six tennis rackets above table
14. How much money does this woolen sweater want?
15. Let us look at the telephone

1.an orange
2.her last name(her sur name)
3.phone number
4.my cousin's computer(不知是什么电子游戏?电脑?PS?GBA?在英文中是不同的) game
5.a yellow bag
6.his black pencil-cutter
7.brother/sister(Sometimes just as "blood")
8.two green watches
9.kty's student card
10.your parents
11.Bill eats a lot of healthy food for breakfast
12.Does your uncle eats 花椰菜(no idea what this is)?
13.There are six tennis rackets on the table.
14.How much is this sweater?
Let's watch TV.
Let's pick up the phone.

廉刘>>> 请高手帮我翻译英语!~谢谢
13818632716------ : 1. Do you care about me? 2. Would you like to gradually age with me? 3. Even though the result is like this, I am not regretful

廉刘>>> 请英语高手帮我翻译一下!谢谢 -
13818632716------ : 可以这样译:1.歌伴舞,song and dance(歌舞)dance with song(歌伴舞,注意dance在前,否则就成了舞伴歌),你看自己需要哪种(下同).2.大合唱,chorus(齐声唱)cantata(相互配合的合唱,如独唱+合唱+伴奏)3.诗歌联诵,poems and songs就行.4.让我们来欣赏,please enjoy...let's enjoy...5.有请……,please welcome...或now it's ...(for us).单从汉语来看,有不同意义的英语翻译,请楼主根据实际情况,结合括号的注释灵活应用.

廉刘>>> 帮我翻译成英语!谢谢各位英语高手!!! -
13818632716------ : Some people are not always forgetten willingly,some people are not always remenbered willingly.

廉刘>>> 请英语高手帮我翻译一句话,谢谢 -
13818632716------ : Hello, my dear friend: Thank you for watching this program. If you order 10, you need to add 70 dollars post fee per set.

廉刘>>> 请英语高手帮我翻译一句话,谢谢(汉译英) -
13818632716------ : Besides these countries on the map above,there are still long-termed and hospital guests in Canada and Poland.Meanwhile, we are looking forward for cooperation wit...

廉刘>>> 请各位英语高手翻译一下,谢谢! -
13818632716------ : 杰伊:这是一个车床?汤米:是的,它是.汤米:这是一个卡盘.汤米:这是一个刀具,那是一个工件.杰伊:噢,我明白了.杰伊:这是一个凳子吗?汤米:这将是一个老虎钳.汤米:这是一个文件,这是一个工件.杰伊:噢,我明白了.杰伊:有多少机床是贵厂生产的吗?汤米:十个.杰伊:什么样的机床?汤米:有四个车床,三个铣床、两个牛头刨床和一个钻孔机.杰伊:有多少工人在您的工作室?汤米:有九大个.杰伊:他们都是车工吗?汤米:不,七人是和两个锁匠.杰伊:没有人能操作铣床.汤米:不.六个车工可以操纵它.杰伊:这里的女人呢?汤米:有八个女人.五是工人.其他人是经理.

廉刘>>> 请英语高手帮我翻译一句话(汉译英),谢谢 -
13818632716------ : Please tell me how late you can accept of the delivery.the latest 是最新的意思....

廉刘>>> 麻烦各位高手帮我翻译成英文,谢谢! -
13818632716------ : Dear friends, long time no see, you have a good time? Today I finally get up the courage to tell you my ideas, first of all thank god let us meet in the boundless huge crowd, thank you for taking your valuable time to teach me to learn English, you know?...

廉刘>>> 高手帮我翻译一下英语!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!感谢啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
13818632716------ : Hi! alana, I want to die you very much!! Sorry! long time no talk with you!! because I like a bird to be kept in school. only the weekend to go home! But fortunately, I am now at the holidays! I will have up to twenty days of the holiday! so I'm so excited!! In this way, I had more time to talk to you!