
wu.fan-pin.com     2024-07-01
在大学 In the university
在大学 in college
在大学 at the university
在大学 at college

regular institutions of higher learning
private higher learning institution
college expansion plan
A catalogue of a university.
Of,for,or typical of college students.
By the end of the contest in which students from22universities and colleges participated,16contestants were selected for the final which was held in Tianjin University of Commerce on Nov.21.
matriculate at an institution of higher learning
academic library
These schools have qualified thousands of students for entrance into colleges.
National Committee on Library and InformationService of University
It's easier for American students to enter colleges or universities,on the contrary,it is difficult to enter colleges and universities in Japan.
college graduates who were the first to be enrolled under the college expansion of 1999

at the University of _(此处填学校名)__
(study)at a university

at university

in the university

奚贾>>> 在大学翻译成英语 -
19517946553------ :[答案] 在大学 In the university 在大学 in college 在大学 at the university 在大学 at college

奚贾>>> “在大学里”翻译成英语是什么 -
19517946553------ : 英语是in university

奚贾>>> 英语翻译翻译:在大学(用university与 college的区别)在大学用university,university的前面一定要加the? -
19517946553------ :[答案] 1.university大多是综合大学,college是一些规模比较大的大学 个人觉得university比college好 2.at University = in College

奚贾>>> 在一所大学(英语翻译) -
19517946553------ : in a university

奚贾>>> 英语翻译 -
19517946553------ : 1. university大多是综合大学,college是一些规模比较大的大学个人觉得university比college好2. at University = in College

奚贾>>> 他姐姐在大学里读书翻译成英语 -
19517946553------ :[答案] His sister is in college.意为他姐姐在大学就读

奚贾>>> 我已经成功的在大学上学的英语翻译 -
19517946553------ : 我已经成功的在大学上学 I have successfully studying in University 希望以上内容对您有帮助,如果您认可我的回答,请采纳为满意答案,如果有疑问,请补充.

奚贾>>> 大学英语翻译?大学英语翻译
19517946553------ : I study at Jinzhong University. Jinzhong University is located in Shanxi Province University Park, is a comprehensive undergraduate colleges. Jinzhong University's motto is ...

奚贾>>> 翻译:我正在上大学.麻烦翻译成英语!(还有一句也翻一下:我在北京上高中和大学.)谢谢!新年快乐 -
19517946553------ : i'm in college now .i have attended hight school and university in Beijing.

奚贾>>> 一所大学英语怎么说 -
19517946553------ : a university,university的第一个字母发音是辅音,所以用a. university 英 [ˌjuːnɪ'vɜːsəti] 美 [ˌjuːnɪ'vɜːrsəti] n. 大学. My uncle is a professor in this university. 我的伯父是这所大学的一名教授. 用法: 1、university的基本意思...