
wu.fan-pin.com     2024-07-03
I think of is a dynamic and simple Asian women. Have received a good education. Good health, good character, intelligent, gentle, sincere kindness, and has an optimistic attitude towards life, full of charm, confidence, understand the humor, will have difficulty communicating, outspoken, sensitive, easy-going, friendly and loyal. I like the happy life, so life is full of fun and laughter. I like to ride a bike, ocean hiking, dancing, reading, listening to music, watching movies, I prefer the romantic and passionate life, and their own loved ones with the travel, picnic, swim, play sports, to the beautiful city walk, hug and kissing. . . My voice is very sweet, my eyes special fans
People. I like to travel to other countries, to understand where the culture, taste the local cuisine. I love home, love kids, love neat. And the cooking and housekeeping as a kind of amenities! In short, I am a very fun life of a woman. True successor to the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation!

I'm looking for one loves me and my loved ones in the future become my husband. He should be one likes to travel, hobbies broad humorous, emotional specificity, positive and optimistic, romantic life of a man full of passion. I will, and he associated with an appropriate period of time, so that we can better understand each other, understand each other's personality, hobbies, living habits, life goals and culture. If we were living together harmoniously, there is a common language, the relationship strong, and I think the other side with their good fit, then we can talk about matters of marriage. I think my future husband should be my best friend, the best partner, not just a husband.
He should be one I can talk about anything, you can discuss things with his people, and our strong relationship should be based on mutual trust, emotional specificity, Chongqing and mutual loyalty based on constraints.

Hello! Very pleased to meet you! My name is Li Mei, English name is Ruth, I am now 32-year-old, 4 feet 6 inches tall, divorced. I have an 8-year-old son, intelligent, lovely. I live in Yongzhou, Hunan Province, which is a very beautiful city. I Yongzhou insurance companies work, I love their work, but her spare time, everywhere I travel, I love nature!
I have received a good education, good cultured, very loving family life. Clean, kind, loyal, thoughtful, tolerant, understanding of my personality. I hope and I love each of the men with.

I saw your photo and profile, I think you must be a good-hearted, loving family man, hope we can become good friends, and welcome you to come over here, I will warm reception you! My standard of English is not good, need to rely on translation software to write to you and hope we have good communication, able to learn a lot of the things you look forward to your reply! Finally, if you want to contact me, here is my contact:

Email: Mobile: Address:

best wishes


我自认为是一个充满活力和简单的东方女性。接受过良好的教育。身体健康,人品好,聪慧温柔,真诚善良,并且有乐观的生活态度,充满魅力,自信,懂得幽默,会沟通,直率,敏感,随和,友好和忠心。我喜欢快乐生活,让生活充满乐趣和欢笑。我喜欢骑自行车,海洋远足,跳舞,阅读,听音乐,看电影,我更喜欢浪漫且充满激情的生活,和自己所爱的人一起旅游,野餐,游泳,打球,到美丽的城市散步,拥抱,亲吻。。。我的声音很甜美,我的眼睛特别迷人。我喜欢到其他国家旅游,去了解那里的文化,品尝当地的美食。我爱家,爱孩子,爱整洁,把做饭,整理房间当作是一种生活乐趣!总之,我是一个很有生活情趣的女人。真正继承了中华民族的传统美德! 我在寻找一位爱我和我爱的人,今后成为我的丈夫。他应该是一个喜欢旅游,爱好广泛,幽默风趣,感情专一,积极乐观,充满激情生活的浪漫男人。我将和他交往一段适当的时间,这样我们可以更好的了解对方,了解对方的性格,爱好,生活习惯,人生目标和文化。如果我们相处融洽,有共同语言,关系牢固,而且觉得对方与自己般配,那么我们就可以谈论婚姻的事宜了。我认为我未来的丈夫应该是我最好的朋友,最好的搭档,而不仅仅是一个丈夫。他应该是一个令我无话不谈,可以和他商量事情的人,我们的牢固关系,应该建立在相互信任,感情专一,忠心重情和相互约束的基础上的。 您好!非常高兴认识你!我叫李梅,英文名字叫Ruth,我今年32岁,身高4英尺6英寸,离异。我有一个8岁的儿子,聪明可爱。我住在湖南省永州市,这是个非常美丽的城市。我在永州保险公司工作,我热爱自己的工作,但闲暇之余,我到处旅游,我喜欢大自然! 我接受过良好的教育,有很好的文化修养,非常热爱家庭生活。整洁、善良、忠心、体贴、包容、善解人意是我的性格。我希望能和我相亲相爱的男士在一起。 我看到了你的照片和简介,我想你一定是一个心地善良,热爱家庭的男人,希望我们能成为好朋友,同时欢迎你到我们这里来,我会热情的接待你! 我的英文水平不好,需借助翻译软件给你写信,希望我们有很好的沟通,能向你学到很多的东西,期待你的回信! 最后,如果要联系我,下面是我的联系方式: Email: 手机: 地址: 最好的祝愿

At my view I'm a lifeful and simple Orienst woman who had received well education, healthy, with nice character, enough smart and gentle, sincere and kind, and also sanguine of life, charming,confident,with humor,and can communicate with others well,candid,sensitive,easygoing,friendly and loyal.


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17396238836------ : Host feeding speed motors, fans, pumps, shaker, stirring motor

寇启>>> 请哪位英语高手,帮我填一下下面的完形填空啊,谢谢! -
17396238836------ : 1、on 2、from 3、on 4、In 5、 6、for 7、about 8、at 9、 however 10、up

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17396238836------ : 我的翻译: I am a third secondary school students, you may not know who I am. I have more inward character, sometimes, sitting alone, do nothing. Sometimes, quiet was watching television. I do not like to speak. My mother always said I was lazy. ...

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17396238836------ : have a word with sb,是固搭,直接记住就可以了,意思是与某人谈论什么 第二题的dispose是适当地处置某物,而consume一般用于时间,能量等,有什么time-consuming A应该是want to be repaired,而want sth,repairing作为动名词,可以加在want后面.

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17396238836------ :[答案] 猜你应该都要用定语从句翻译吧.1.please hand me the book in the bag which is filled with books.2.I often imitate homeworks of my classmates whose handwriting is good.3.第三句中文好难理解啊,没用定语从句...

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寇启>>> 英语高手帮我翻译下面几行文字 -
17396238836------ : 检查文件系统政: 任何类型的文件系统是fat32的. 体积变脏. 卷序号是a071 - 88e2 窗户已检查文件系统并没有发现任何问题. 522444800总字节磁盘空间. 7819264字节,在52个隐藏文件. 319488...

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17396238836------ : Your words I think for a long time、Final Your words is Very correct! I am busy May not even a phone call and a message all the time no,The reason is not because there is no thought、The reason for not thought to be because the heart at all without you! So, I am very honest with you say:" I'm really sorry!"

寇启>>> 急!请哪位高手帮我把下面的几句中文翻译成英文,谢谢!
17396238836------ : 1.What you need is more exercise. 2.When they will come has not been announced.3.Could you tell me where you are from?4.We should find out whether the exhibition will open or not.