
wu.fan-pin.com     2024-06-18
1 betty brown is both creative ___intelligent.
Betty Brown 既有创造力又智慧。
A or B as well as c and D but
答案:C and。
知识点:固定搭配:both...and... 两个都;既...又...

2 he can't be ill,____he wouldn't have come
A however B or C though D and
答案:B or

3 the rocky mountain goat of north america is not a true goat____a goat antelope.
A and B any C yet D but
答案:D but
知识点:The mountain goat is an even-toed ungulate of the order Artiodactyla and the family Bovidae that includes antelopes, gazelles, and cattle. It belongs to the subfamily Caprinae (goat-antelopes), along with thirty-two other species including true goats, sheep, the chamois, and the musk ox.

4 such word had all of us _____in sadness.
A to be B be C being D are
答案:C being

5 I would rather _____write you.
A not to go B to not go C to go D not go
答案:D not go
would rather (not) do: 宁愿
would rather( not) do sth: 更愿意去做 …...

6 _______water there is in the lake!
A what clean B what a clean C how clean D how a clean
答案:B what a clean
1) 感叹的中心落在名词上
What + a/an + 形容词 + 可数名词单数 + 主语 + 谓语 !
What a big tree it is !
What + 形容词 + 不可数名词 + 主语 + 谓语 !
What clean water it is !
What + 形容词+ 可数名词复数形式 + 主语 + 谓语 !
What clever boys they are !

2) 感叹的中心落在形容词或副词上
How + 形容词或副词 + 主语+ 谓语!
How big the tree is !
How fast Tom runs !

於锦>>> 三道大学英语题目,先翻译,再详细解答一下啦!谢谢! -
19375525519------ : 1.就是B fifty代表50,没有fivety这一说,thousand前加数字是不加s的,想加s时,可用thousands of(成千上万的) 固定词组.2.B 有than 用比较级,没有tireder这一说,3.B?其实觉得C是对的,首先arrive后加at,land后加on,所以既然C不对,就是B了

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19375525519------ : 1. Universities in the east are better equipped, while those in the west are relatively poor. 2. Allan Clark kept talking the price up, while Wilkinson kept knocking it down. 3. The husband spent all his money drinking, while his wife saved all hers for the ...

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19375525519------ :[答案] A.估计,B 数字,C 数字,D 统计数据 查牛津高阶,figure有“尤指官方资料中的数字”的意思.比如the latest trade/sales/unemployment figures 同样,statistic有统计数字,统计资料的意思,比如crime/unemployment statistics 题目给的语境不能说有...

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19375525519------ : 52. He was a much older tennis player but he hand the great __advantage__of ... as” 均可理解为“宁愿……也不”本句的意思是宁愿死去也不会透露或者暴露人民的事业 ...

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