
wu.fan-pin.com     2024-06-29


在中国的农历传统中,立秋(Start of Autumn)如同季节的交响乐章,标志着炎炎夏日的落幕和金秋的启幕。这个时节,气温开始悄然下降,如同乐章中的渐弱音符,树叶开始由翠绿转为金黄,“一叶知秋”的诗意画面悄然呈现。然而,尽管秋意渐浓,"秋老虎"的余威仍在,酷热并未立即消退,短暂的余热延续,如同旋律中的激昂桥段。


In the intricate lunar calendar of China, the arrival of Start of Autumn signifies not only the transition from summer to autumn, but also a delicate symphony of change. As the weather cools, the temperature descends gradually, like a gentle diminuendo. The iconic scene of "a falling leaf announcing autumn" unfolds as leaves shift from vibrant green to golden hues. Yet, despite the growing chill, the lingering "afterheat" of "the autumn tiger" reminds us of the lingering warmth of summer's final days.


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