
wu.fan-pin.com     2024-07-01
Suddenly, I felt helpless
Without tears, no one knew my sorrows
Be not understood, I suffered loneliness
Just to remember everything would come to a finish
Ambivalently, I felt helpless
Desiring for your protection, though little
Words failed to what I wanted to express



最后一句让我想到 I love you more than I can say.

I suddenly helpless
No tears of sadness no man clearly
Only breathing cannot be understood loneliness
A man just remember that everything will be ended
I contradiction the helpless
Very need can you give me a little protection
Want to say to you of words are always could not say

suddenly, i felt totally helpless
nobody knows my sorrow without tears
only can I breath such lonliness that cannot be understood
one solely remembers that all things will end up finally
who can tell me what i should do
i really need your help
what i want to say to you
and i do not know how

No tears of sadness no man clearly
Only breathing cannot be understood loneliness
A man just remember that everything will be ended
I contradiction the helpless
I am Very need can you give me a little protection
I Want to say to you of words are always could not say

My sudden helpless
nobody realize the sadness without the tears
just breathing the loneness that has not being understood
one just remembers everything will be over
I am confusing with helpless
and need a bit of your protection
always the words I want to talk to you is hard to express

喻琰>>> 麻烦各位英文高手帮我一个忙啊.把一下句子翻译成英文!拜托了!急求! -
19665043936------ : Magic valve pavilion Fate for you, why not. Dear, you don't go, I really love you. Sweat and tears, the chemical composition of the similar, but the former can have brilliant, the latter can only bo to sympathy.

喻琰>>> 英文高手麻烦请帮我把以下邮件文字翻译成英文.谢谢你好 很高兴发邮件给您,我在您网站的购物订单号为41364876,这个订单是在2011年一月十九日已经... -
19665043936------ :[答案] Dear Mr./MsI had bought goods from your website and the order number was 41,364,876.The goods were delivered at 19th January in 2011,but I still didn't receive it until 5th January in 2012.So I wonder...

喻琰>>> 求英语单词 - 麻烦哪位高手帮我把以下一类词语的的英文解释告诉我 主语、
19665043936------ : 主语,subject: 谓语,predicate 宾语,object 状语,adverbial 定语,attribute 补语,complement 表语,predicative 同位语,apposition 状语从句,adverbial clause 宾语补足语: object complement 定语从句,relative clause

喻琰>>> 麻烦那位高手帮我解决以下英语问题~~~!急~~~~fill the blands with appropriate pronouns.1.Cell phone plays a very important part - ___our daily ... -
19665043936------ :[答案] 1.Cell phone plays a very important part in our daily communication.play important part/role in 是固定用法,意思是在某方面占据重要角色,非常重要手机对我们的日常通讯非常重要2.We are planning a for a trip...

喻琰>>> 英语翻译麻烦英语高手帮我把以下文章翻译成英文可以吗?“一眨眼,你走了快一个月了.下个月就过年了.最近天冷了.我好想你哦.期待你回来的日子.” -
19665043936------ :[答案] Yizhawen,you leave the fast of the month.On the Chinese New Year next month.Not sure you will come back?Tianling has recently.That you do not know how?I do not know the letter you received?I am easy t...

喻琰>>> 英语翻译麻烦英语高手帮我翻译以下句子.1.永远不放弃这段友谊.2.我会尽力挽留这段(我真的在乎的)友谊第二句希望用定语从句形式翻译,括号里的就是定... -
19665043936------ :[答案] 1.永远不放弃这段友谊 I will never forget this friendship between us. . 2.我会尽力挽留这段(我真的在乎的)友谊 I will try my best to keep this friendship that I really care about .

喻琰>>> 麻烦各位高手帮我翻译下以下英语
19665043936------ : 1.half students 2.invite you to the send-off party 3.finish the note 4.on the next page 5.look forward to meeting you in the party 6.the way to 7.pass in front of the building of the Bank of China 8.post some postcards to my parents 9.see a doctor 10.live in the 603room,Garden Road

喻琰>>> 麻烦英语高手!麻烦英语高手帮我把以下文章用英语翻译下可以吗?“当看到你说,你先睡吧,我又不在外面做什么坏事. 我楞住了. 是啊,你有你的生活方... -
19665043936------ :[答案] when i heard u say"please go to bed quickly,i won't do anything outside" i was shocked yeah,u have u personal living manner and sociable relationship.but i can't help caring u.i hope i can see u get home safety everyday. Is my concern extra? Is this ...

喻琰>>> 麻烦各位英语高手帮我翻译以下的中文!谢谢了
19665043936------ : 1. About the English evening About tourism 2. 3. About my birthday yesterday 4. About teenagers of the dangers of smoking 5. Last summer and parents go to the farm, taste of food, food is delicious

喻琰>>> 麻烦英文高手帮助翻译以下句子.不胜感谢.
19665043936------ : 你可以使用“有道“翻译 —— 我不能告诉你我是多么的希望我和你现在知道你难过.我想做的一切,请您让你感觉满意所以需要.我真的很想陪伴你,因为我知道如果我是我能成为一个良好的支持.我希望你得到一些睡眠.也请握紧你的花瓶,他们对你是重要的,他们是如此美丽,这是不公平的,如果你不得不卖掉他们.